The spawn area of the arena is a relatively small beach surrounded by a trench of water. Although it does not have a stereotypical cornucopia, it has a wooden hut that provides shelter from the horrid weather the game makers will throw into the arena with the simple click of a button. Chests with items such as swords, shovels, bows, and arrows are neatly organized on top of a pile of golden blocks. These are not the only chests in the arena however, there are hidden chests throughout the entire arena with treasure just as useful as the things in the starting area. Of course, at the beginning of the games, during the countdown, if a tribute steps off of their platform they will be blown sky high into a thousand different pieces. The area where the tributes spawn is where the tributes will be forced, by "nature", to come back to at the very end of the games when there is only two tributes left. This would be the area that the careers would build their defenses up in order to have the upper-hand at the end of the games.

Overhead View of Starting Area
Inside the "Cornucopia"